Sunday, May 16, 2010

Things I (Scotty) Have Learned Thus Far.

It is amazing how this short intense journey has already affected me so much. I have learned how selfish I can really be and how it doesn't have to be that way. The other night, after running a bit of fever and not being able to walk without shaking all over, B came over unannounced with Gatorade, chicken soup and crackers. Now something like that might seem very simple and something most people would do, the thought wouldn't occur to me. If your sick, rest up, drink lots of tea and do your best to take care of yourself right?

As I consider this further, it is the process of becoming one entity. It is complex, miraculous and full of risk. Learning slowly to be constantly aware of her, even when we are not together, how it affects my decisions, my time, my life. Paul has some great commentary on how married people spend alot of their time focusing on the well being of their other half. This has been one of the processes of learning for me as we go forth, learning what that means and how I grow into that.

Fortunately for me Bethany is wonderful. She is patient, kind, generous. She isn't angered easily and very rarely jealous. For me this is a miracle in and of itself as I am a very difficult complex person. A walking paradox you might say. My good friend Steve once told me that marriage knocks a lot of the crud off of you as you become more like Yeshua. Then he turned to Bethany and said she had a lot of work to do! :D

This time has been full of intense growth and challenge crammed into a small time frame and I am continually amazed by her grace. I could not have dreamed of a better half who in many ways exhibits attributes I strive for.

Thank you all for your prayers and emails! They mean so much to us and I can't wait to introduce you to my wife eventually!


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